

Frequently asked questions from customers, shippers, consignees, importers & exporters about Camionix services & solutions.

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1. What Services can I outsource through Camionix?

A. Saas Platform: automate and digitize all your customs and logistics activities.
B. Trucking Services: access a network of vetted carriers for your local and international cross-border shipments.
C. Customs Brokerage: file your products for customs in a safely and compliant manner.
D. Warehousing: strategically located facilities for cargo maneuvers, compliance preparation and distribution activities.
E. Additional services you can also access: cargo insurance, supply chain consulting.

2. What if my company is a first time Importer/Exporter or has low shipping volume?.
Do we have to meet any minimum shipment requirements to sign up
or access any of Camionix solutions?

A. NO. Any company with logistics or cargo shipping needs can sign up or access our solutions.
B. Camionix is customer-centric company always committed to support companies of all sizes with their logistics and supply chain operations.

3. What type of standards does Camionix have in place for providing
reliable digital logistics solutions?

A. All asset-based service partners are vetted by Camionix; most industry partners hold active international security certifications such as C-TPAT, OEA, and ISO.

4. How can Camionix assist with customs clearance for cross-border shipments?

A. Camionix can help importers and exporters with the proper customs paperwork filing, preparation, duty calculation and any non-tariff regulations.
B. Importer and exporters can rely on our licensed customs brokers with more than 25 years of experience in both Mexico & USA customs.

5. Can you provide guidance on tariff classifications, duty rates, and permits?

A. YES. our customs brokerage services include customs classifications services or any consulting or assistance depending of the jurisdiction.

6. Do I have to be an expert in IT or a software engineer to implement
Camionix Platform in our Company?

A. NO, Camionix is a very intuitive and user friendly tool that does not require any technical expertise to operate or be implemented.
B. Additionally, to provide the best experience possible, we assist with the full-onboarding,  additional training, as well as any technical support when required.

7. What if we already have other tools in place such as ERPs systems
or internal databases, can Camionix platform use existing data to operate properly?

A. YES. you can use existing company data to feed or complement Camionix platform through various data interchange options.
B. We assist with API integrations to connect with your ERPs or any other enterprise tool for a better data interchange experience.

8. Didn't find the answers you were looking for?

A. Book a session with an expert or, for an expedited answer explore our website’s Virtual Assistant chat support.

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